Rock Cycle

Today we learned about the rock cycle. At first glance the rock cycle looks a bit overwhelming. Breaking down the rock cycle has helped us understand that rocks change over time. Today we made rock cycle bracelets to help us remember the 3 types of rocks (Sedimentary, Metamorphic & Igneous) and to help us understand how heat, pressure & erosion play into the transformation of rocks. See if we can tell you what each bead represents. (Shiny brown Sedimentary, Orange- Magma/heat transforming rocks, Black- Igneous rock as it cools and hardens, Blue-weather and erosion breaking down into sediments and last but not least... Light brown to represent Metamorphic rocks.) Here is a link to an interactive Rock Cycle that we used on our whiteboard to better understand each part. Next week we will take a learn about Sedimentary rocks and have a closer look at rocks & minerals.


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