Classroom Community

A key component to learning is the sense of connectedness and security that is formed. A secure environment is built upon clear expectations that are mutually understood by students. Classroom routines, language, and values in our classroom are modeled and each student is provided opportunity to demonstrate his or her understanding of these values. Taking an active role in the norms of the classroom creates a community of learners who have ownership and a sense of belonging in the classroom. During the first few weeks of school we will be taking time to create our own classroom values and establish our classroom community to benefit each learner. Although this year will look different, depending on our learning space, we are committed to developing a community of empowered learners. We are better together! 
Classroom model we incorporate into our classroom: Responsive Classroom

Classroom Expectations:
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Be Safe (Safe bodies, Kind words, Good choices)
Be Respectful (Eye contact, Listen, Follow directions)
Be Responsible (Be honest. Take care of ourselves. Take care of each other. Take care of materials. Do quality work.)
Be Creative Use your imagination and try new things.

Be Peaceful Include others. Treat each other the way you want to be treated.


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