Show How You Grow...

Wow our multiage friends have quite the green thumb. Our garden thrived this fall and fits perfectly with our "show how you grow" school wide theme. Just like our garden, we have grown quite a bit in our friendships and learning, even in a short time! We really enjoyed taking part in our garden this fall--it has been a really nice way to build our classroom community and spend time together. We started off by planning out our plots (known as square foot gardening) and had four different types of seeds to pick from Spinach, Lettuce, Radish & Hon Tsai Tai 
(a Chinese vegetable) all quick growers. We took advantage of a mild fall and were able to get out to our garden a few times a week to tend to our plants. Although gardening is a lot of work, we found it very rewarding! We had quite a bit of growth and were able to pick our plants this week before it got too chilly. Mrs. Russell was kind enough to cut up our Radishes so we could try them during snack--believe it or not it was my first time trying them-- I was pleasantly surprised! We had a few other brave friends that gave our freshly grown radishes a try and some that already knew they loved them-- I was impressed. We served our lettuce and greens in our salad bar during lunchtime. Thank you Mr. Mizzi & Mr. Benjamin for building and preparing our garden bed for us! In the meantime we will do some more learning about plants and the lifecycle of a seed. We can't wait for Spring to get back into action and try some new veggies! 


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