Once Upon A Time...

We have been busy reading lots and lots of Fairy Tales and Folk Tales. We have enjoyed getting to know the characters in our stories and imagine far away make-believe places. We have also had the chance to explore Fractured Fairy Tales--Stories with a twist on the classics from the perspective of the main character like The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig, The Frog Prince Continued and my personal favorite... Goldilocks and the 3 Blairs! As we become more familiar with the parts that make up these types of stories we will explore writing our own.
We have noticed that many Fairy Tales begin with "Once Upon a Time..." and end with "Happily Ever After" (Wouldn't that be nice in real life) :) They many times have good/evil, teach us an important lesson and have characters and animals in them.

Look for our letters to our favorite Fairy Tale characters, Our own Fairy Tale Writings and Castle Project coming soon...


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