Ways to Connect

Hello- I hope you're enjoying a beautiful weekend! To those who are not joining us next year: feel free to "unsubscribe" if you're receiving this notification and no longer wish to. You can find this link on the bottom of your email. If you're having any troubles doing this let me know. We will miss you!  

To our 2015-16 multiage friends- Just wanted to touch base on a few ways you can connect with our classroom. In trying to "go green" most of my communications will be on our blog or social media sites. I will not post your child's picture or work until I have the OK from you on our back to school forms. I take internet safety very seriously. Your child's name will never be posted with their picture. 

If you want to follow our blog you can sign up on the right hand side of the homepage for email notifications. I can also set you up if you indicate you would like to join on the green contact card that was sent home.

Our blog also includes several pages about our classroom & curriculum. Be sure to check them out to get a better understanding of our year! 

We also have a Twitter & Instagram site- I like Twitter for sharing articles, ideas and a bit about my approach to education. Instagram is great for sharing daily happenings as well. The kids love knowing that you're seeing them in action! 

Symbaloo is a site that provides links to classroom websites that we utilize regularly. It is a quick, easy reference for your kids at home. 
** Click on the color links to access these sites. 

This is just a a start-More to share as the year begins, but I don't want to overwhelm you with too much. We will take it bit-by-bit! :)  Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 


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