Sneak Peek @ Our Week!

Sneak Peek at Our Week
Reading: Creating pictures while we are reading... I like to call these mental images or visualizing. We will also talk about how our schema (what we know, places we have been) makes each of our images different and how our visualizations change throughout our reading.
Writing: Small moment stories: Taking one large topic and breaking it down to one descriptive piece. We will take this story through the writing process of planning, writing, revising, editing & publishing.
Science: Bats- What knowledge do we have of bats? What do we want to know about bats? Despite belief we will learn that bats are really helpful, harmless creatures :)
Math: EDM Unit 3 Revisit money & telling time. Continued practice at home with counting coins in sequence and telling time to the hour & half our (watch out for hr. and min. hand swapping) would be helpful!
Social Studies: China- We will talk about the similarities and differences of life in China.


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