Balance and Motion Inquiry

We have spent some time exploring balance and motion and have enjoyed interacting with these concepts. We began our unit by asking ourselves what balance is to us. We showed that we have a lot of prior knowledge on this topic and how it relates to our everyday life. Through our investigations it is our hope to help children develop a curiosity for learning and to have persistence in exploring new ideas and problems. Science is about learning through trial and error and making sense of our findings through our observations and experiences. 
We have spent time with many activities based around balance and the idea of countering balance with weights to create a stable, steady position. It has been fun to see us applying learned knowledge and experiences into new concepts about balance. Inquiry work requires a lot of patience and stamina....not easy for 2nd graders! We have been working on documenting our work and sharing our findings through "open circle." We will begin to work on motion in more depth this week. 

Ask us if we can explain any of these concepts to you!
Counterweight, balance point, stable position, equilibrium, balance, weight


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