SPCA visit

Our first topic of study in 2nd grade was learning about pets....how to properly care for them, the difference between a wild and domestic animal and learning to respect and appreciate all creatures big and small. It is always a fun introduction to getting to know each other and share the special animals in our lives... or animals we hope to one day have. This past week the SPCA came for a visit and met the cutest hamster and bunny that live in the classroom of the SPCA. We learned about the seriousness of having a pet and the care they require... we were sad to hear some pets only lived a short lifespan of 3 years, like the hamster, while others like the bunny can live up to 12 years! They require a lot of care, responsibility and love. We also had a bake sale to raise money for the animals at the SPCA. It is always a fun way for us to give back to our community and appreciate all the SPCA does for animals in need. More to come about our bake sale! 
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