Geology Study

Over the next few weeks we will study rocks & minerals. I always like to start any unit by seeing what we already know to help guide our study. Here is what we think...

What are rocks made of?
-Lava -Gas
-Water -Carbon dioxide
-Soil -Fumes of different gasses
-Dirt -Coal
-Mica -Cement
- Magma makes rocks because I think it mixes with something.
-Hardened lava
-Lava forms rocks from rain.

Do rocks change or stay the same?
-Stay the same
-Something has to change it
-Stay the same. If you have it for a long time it doesn't change.
-They stay the same because they are hard.. extremely hard.
-Change: There are different kinds of rocks

What's inside the earth?
-Dirt & lava
-Three things: rock, dirt, lava
-Lots of dirt, mud, magma & worms
-People, the sum, sky, shops, plants
-Fossils, rocks, minerals, water.

Where do rocks come from?
-They usually are on the ground.
-They come from the earth.
-From under ground

During our study we will learn about different types of rocks & have many opportunities to explore and describe rocks, minerals & gems. We will also learn about the layers of the earth, the three main types of rocks (Sedimentary,Metamorphic & Igneous) and focus on components of non-fiction through this study. Because it is always a huge interest we will find some time to study fossils & prehistoric life.

What we know...
Rocks are hard.
Minerals are shiny
Rocks come from lava
Rocks harden
Limestone was used to build pyramids.
The surface of the earth is called the crust.
A crystal comes from rock
Lava forms rock
Rocks are made from dirt.

What we want to know..
How are rocks used?
Are rocks dusty?
What is a mineral?
Do rocks come from lava?
Do rocks grow?
How much money are jewels worth?
How long have rocks been around?
How is mica formed?
Are rocks rare?
What made rocks?
How do rocks get hard?
Are their bugs inside?
What do rocks and minerals do?


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