Fun with Estimation!

Over the past few weeks we have focused on the Number & Operation strand to deepen our number sense. We have had a lot of fun with estimations. From the words of one of our first grade friends: Estimation is making a "reasonable" guess. We kicked off our learning by reading the book Great Estimations by Bruce Goldstone. He gave us lots of awesome tips on how to make thoughtful estimates and deal with large numbers, like visually grouping items together. See if we can teach you using the image above. Students have been taking turns filling our estimations jar for class guesses and we are hoping to make our own class estimation book to showcase our knowledge. If you're looking for some fun, real life ways to practice math check out This site provides interesting math talk that you can do at a variety of levels. There were recently some estimation activities. You can get notifications to your email or follow them on twitter. Check it out! 


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