We had a great first day in 2B! You have a great group of kids...this will be a great year! I hope your child came home enthusiastic about the year to come. Just a few reminders about ways to keep in contact with our class.

1) We have a main classroom website with general information about & learning links.
2) This blog (which will be updated weekly and act as our weekly newsletter)
We would love to have you "follow us." It only takes a few minutes to join-- the blogging world is lots of fun.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the page you can also sign up for email notifications when a new post has been made. This is an easy way to stay in touch and be aware of new posts.

3) Twitter account: Our account name is: 2bhappenings Join us there to get quick, short updates throughout our school day.

Once I have the "O.K." from families to post pictures I will share our first day shots! Can't wait...


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