Spelling in 2nd Grade

Just a reminder...
Spelling words will come home each Monday in your child's A.P.E. book. You can find them towards the back in a plastic sheet protector. Each week children are given 16 words: 5 Sight words, 5 pattern words, 5 challenge words and 1 bonus word. I encourage all children to try all words when it comes time for the assessment. If 16 words is too much for your child have them focus on the first 10 and try to sound out the remainder on the "test." We work in 2nd grade to be comfortable with ourselves as learners and not be afraid to put in our best effort--It isn't always about getting things correct. More importantly, I want to see children incorporating learned words and word patterns/chunks into their own writing. That is more meaningful than a 100% on a test.

Each week your child comes home with a copy of an activity they completed from the word sort and a new copy for you to continue to practice throughout the week. Exposure to these words is a key component of becoming more aware spellers.

Here are some reminders of how to sort words:

-By word chunks: We have worked on short a and short i vowel sounds.
-ABC Order
-Number of Syllables
-Child's choice... They have come up with sorts involving number of letters, number of vowels, words they can read/need to work on, words they know how to spell/need to work on, etc.

Extra Credit Blair Bucks Work (Optional)
In your child's APE book you will find a sheet that provides some hands on spelling activities you and your child can do at home. Children must complete 4 activities and turn them in each Friday for credit.

Extra word sorts can be found on our main classroom page (link on our blogs homepage) under spelling and homework.


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