Our First Day

We had a great first day in 2B! You have a great group of kids...this will be a great year! Just a few reminders about ways to keep in contact with our class.

1) We have a main classroom website kblair26.googlepages.com If you cannot locate this page you can find a link on our schools site under classes.

2) This blog (which will be updated weekly and act as our weekly newsletter)
We would love to have you "follow us." It only takes a few minutes to join-- the blogging world is lots of fun.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the page you can also sign up for email notifications when a new post has been made. This is an easy way to stay in touch and be aware of new posts.

3) Twitter account: www.twitter.com Our account name is: 2bhappenings Join us there to get quick, short updates throughout our school day.


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