Now boarding: China

Ni Hao (Hello)
We have begun our study on China! As an educator I feel it is important for children to understand that the world is made up of many different people, cultures & places. It would be ideal to experience the culture first hand but the conversation & questions that are sparked will guide our investigation. Who knows...maybe someday we might find ourselves there! My main goal through this learning is to learn respect for others values and culture. It is hard for young children to understand there is a much bigger world we live in...especially because we come from a tiny town. To prepare for our trip we answered some questions about through using a "carousel" format. What is a carousel in education language?Children each have one of 5 questions to take a minute and answer. This will help collect previous knowledge and spark some interest in our study.
2) What do you want to know about China?
3) What would you tell people in China about where you live?
4) What things do you think come from China?
5) Why is it important to know about different places?

This past Tuesday with passports and tickets in hand, we boarded our plane to Beijing, China. A total of over 17 hours and a cup of popcorn later, we finally arrived in China's capital city. We noticed mountains, valleys, big buildings and lakes as we flew onto the runway. We are excited to learn more about China and will keep you updated on our journey!


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